The Doctors’ House
- סוג הפרויקט: מסחר ומשרדים
- מיקום: רמת החייל
- סטטוס: מאוכלס
- שטח: 16,000 מ״ר
- קומות: 7
- אדריכל: יסקי מור סיון
- היקף הפרויקט: 220 מיליון ש״ח
Aa real revolution has taken place in recent years in the Ramat Hachayal business district in Tel Aviv: from a distinctly high-tech environment, it has become known for advanced medical services.
The Assuta Medical Center in the neighborhood, as well as the Merav Private Hospital in the adjacent Kiryat Atidim, attract many specialists, clinics, private doctors and others to the area. That has created a great demand for clinic spaces and office spaces adapted for medical care.
The doctors’ house, constructed near Assuta Hospital, was carefully designed to offer clinics and medical rooms. The property features the most advanced technological infrastructure, and thanks to its location and high-quality construction standards, it has aroused interest both among investors and among physicians and other medical professionals.